【禁聞】冤案越演越烈 中共演戲提「防錯」













採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

Chinese Regime Puts on a Show Saying It Will Fight Injustice

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central
Political and Law Commission issued a guidance policy.
It discusses establishing an accountability
mechanism to prevent injustice occurring.
It requires judges, prosecutors, and police officers
to be accountable for the cases they have handled.
Mainland legal experts suggest these
provisions have long been available.
However, cases of injustice continue to increase.

The introduction of this “guidance" is
just putting on a show for the public.

On August 13, CCP controlled media Xinhua
News Agency, reported on a new guidance policy.
The policy suggests a principle of adhering to evidence.

It states the importance of not making
judgments in cases with insufficient evidence.
Convictions should be reliable and sufficient.

Cases with influential judgments, or questionable evidence
should be made in support of the defendant’s best interests.

Professor Zhang Zan Ning, Law School,
China’s Southeast University:
“Provisions like this already exist, yet injustice
has instead been intensifying in China.
The CCP is merely putting on a show.

Regarding injustice, all Falun Gong
cases belong to that category.
Why didn’t they redress them? Many
cases of injustice that are in my hands
right now have not been corrected.
These cases have been brought in front of the
relevant departments many times, but to no avail."

14 years of persecution of Falun Gong has
produced tens of thousands of cases of injustice.
These have been reported
on at home and abroad.
Voice of America reported that Vice President Shen,
of China’s Highest Courts revealed in 2009 that more
than 10 Million cases reached courts in China in 2008.
1 percent of injustice cases equals over 100,000.

According to Amnesty International 2012 Annual
Country Report, data shows thousands of people
were executed in China each year.
Even with 1% rate, there will be many
who have been wrongly executed.

Zhang Zan Ning: “We cannot exclude the fact that the
CCP may be now aware of too much injustice to ignore.
I am doubtful of the degree in which
it will correct this, in a political sense.
The CCP will correct only cases that are absolutely
necessary, and the rest will remain unchanged."
Bo Xilai, former Chongqing Party Secretary,
generated tens of thousands of injustice
cases alone, comments Professor Chang.

Last year, the “Wang Lijun incident" exposed injustice
cases involving Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang, former
Secretary of Central Political and Law Commission.
It was reported that after the downfall of Bo Xilai, tens of
thousands of letters appeared, complaining of injustice.
Mainland lawyer Chen Youxi said more
than 50,000 were arrested under Bo’s rule.
However, more than 30,000 cannot
be indicted and were released.

Recently, “Radio France Internationale" reported
that the trial of Bo Xilai will take place on August 23.
On July 25, the CCP did not only failed to
mention thousands of injustice cases under Bo.
It also reduced the total charges against him, and
simply used bribery, corruption and abuse of power.
Many crimes, like that of the political coup attempt, live
organ harvesting, and human body trafficking, remain hidden.

Zhao Yuanming, a senior legal expert, points out that
this guidance bears a great significance to Bo’s trial.
Zhao Yuanming: “China is now
facing very serious judicial corruption.
It is mainly with illegal judgments,
failing to follow any form of law.
With solid evidence, one can be sentenced
lightly because of inner connections.
With insufficient evidence, one can get a wrong sentence
because prosecutors and judges have been bribed."

Zhao Yuanming believes that the CCP is now
facing a dilemma as a result of Bo’s wrong doings.
Many lives have been lost, and assets confisticated.

However, Zhao Yuanming also says that without
independent judiciary, all CCP policies are empty talk.
