【禁聞】社科院:農民進城遇不公 矛盾加劇







黃良天:「但是進城以後,他們(農民)又享受不到這種作為一個公民應該具有的這種社會福利,對農民沒有。所以在這種情況下,那只好到市政府去遊行了,去靜坐了。 」


雲南玉溪農民 陳偉:「它是會把房價不斷的提高,然後農民增加了本不應該承擔的額外資本。農民真的很難。」




北京憲政學者 陳永苗:「這種暴力案件,並不是人性本身的問題,而是政治問題。政治制度上的問題會帶來人心的扭曲,然後通過犯罪或者互相仇殺來發洩。」

7月25號,公安部要求嚴懲個人極端暴力犯罪事件。 28號,北京市公安局長傅政華宣稱,要以「盯苗頭、壓反彈、整秩序、保穩定」為重點,對當局認為的「嚴重刑事犯罪」要露頭就打。


採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/葛雷

China’s Doomsday Book: Forced Urbanization of Farmers

During China’s massive urbanization process,
millions of farmers were driven off their farmland,
forcing them into ‘urban ghettos’.

Recently, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences (CASS) released a report.
It shows that farmers have suffered from injustice
and inequality after being herded into the city.
This has triggered intense conflicts, thus creating
a social time-bomb, primed to ignite at any moment.

On July 30th, CASS issued 2013 Blue Book of Cities in China.

The Blue Book noted that China’s real urbanization rate is only
42.2%. It is 10.4% points lower than national statistics’ report.

The Blue Book revealed that since farmers were
driven off their land and forced into the city,
they have endured all kinds of hardships and discrimination:
in political, social security, public services, employment, education, housing…
In addition, they face loss of native residency rights
and interests. Thus social conflicts have intensified.

Huang Liangtian, People magazine Editor-in-Chief:
“It is not that farmers want to move into the city,
because they lost their farmland that they rely on,
they no longer have a home."

Over the years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
vigorously invested in infrastructure and real estate, so as to gain great profits.
They call this,‘land finance’. Driven by self interests and greed,

the authorities regularly send police, and thugs to beat and
oppress people who are against the demolitions.
Many innocent people were injured, disabled,
and beaten to death, this arouses great public’s anger.
Farmer with nowhere to go from their seized lands,
they out of necessity became ‘urban refugees’.

The Blue Book states that currently, 240 million farmers were
forced to the cities, making up 33% of the urban population.

Huang Liangtian: “After being coerced into the cities,
farmers Could not obtain social welfare.
Thus, in vain they appeal and ‘sit-in’ protest to
the government."

A Yunnan farmer told NTD that
farmland is the most basic living resource for them.
Once losing it and moving to the city,
they face the daily specter of their very survival.

Chen Wei, a farmer in Yuxi, Yunnan:
“House prices are constantly increasing.
It is an extra cost for farmers that we shouldn’t bear.
Farmers are finding it really difficult to live."

From July 17th to 24th, within a week,
several killing incidents occurred in Beijing.
It highlights the public’s anger, serious incidents can
take place at any minute. The fabric of society is crumbling.

A man in Shandong was brutally beaten by police,
rendering him disabled. He has nowhere to appeal.
In despair, on July 20th, he strapped a home-made bomb
to himself in Beijing Capital Airport. It becomes a suicide bombing incident.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily commented that
malignant incidents constantly occur,
because the social conflicts haven’t been resolved for so long.

Many petitioners are forced to resort to violent ends
to gain the attention of those in power.
In the face overwhelming public discontent,
the authorities not only failed to ease the malaise,
but also use extreme violent suppression against the protests.

Today’s China is like an oil well,
just a little spark will ignite a huge explosion.

Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar:
“These kind of incidents are not a human nature problem,
but a political issue.
Problems in the political system will cause warped
thinking. People vent their anger via crime or killing."

On July 25th , Public Security Ministry ordered stern
punishment for individual crimes.
On July 28th , Fu Zhenghua, the director of Beijing Public
Security Bureau issued brutal suppression methods.
He ordered a complete crackdown at the first sign of protest.

Oriental Daily said that the CCP regime targets
the vulnerable groups to maintain the ‘stability’.
It indicates the CCP has come to a dead end now.

According to history, no one can rely on
violence to maintain power for too long.
Without dealing with public anger, one day,
it will be like a burst river, no one can stop it.
