【禁聞】紅會醫院互槓 揭移植器官牟利黑幕

















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李月

Conflicts with China’s Red Cross and Hospitals Reveal Dark Profits on Organ Transplants

Another scandal involving the Red Cross Society of China
(RCSC) has just been revealed.
The RCSC is the officially prescribed third party for overseeing
China’s organ donations, they thus own organ donation resources.
Yet, when China’s hospitals ask the RCSC for donor information,
the RCSC demands that hospitals donate money.
Hospitals accuse the RCSC for not having transparent accounts,
and suspect that the RCSC has been making profits.
Commentators say that neither the RCSC nor hospitals
are clean, and they are all making profits from organ transplants.

On July 8, Chinese media said cooperation between
the organ procurement organization of Guangzhou
Military District’s General Hospital, and Shen Zhen
City’s RCSC recently entered a “freezing period.”
The hospital hasn’t received information
regarding potential organ donors for several months.
A hospital staff told the media that this might be related
to the ceasing of donation to the RCSC from the hospital;
The hospital is not happy that the RCSC never releases
details on its use of donations.

China’s pilot organ donation program
has been running for over three years.
So far, the donation rate is less than one in a million.

Currently, about 300,000 people wait for organ transplants
each year, but only around 10,000 can get an organ.

Organ transplant costs varies by area.

Last year, a patient who received an organ transplant at
Guangzhou’s Zhongshan Hospital told the media that
his medical expenses totaled over 1 million yuan ($163,000).

In Nanjing, each liver costs about 100,000 yuan ($16,300).

In other areas it’s about 400,000 or 500,000 yuan

Zhao Lizhen, Vice Chairman at Shen Zhen’s RCSC says
hospitals get the highest profit for organ transplants.
Thus, hospitals should use some of its profits
to pay for the debts of the donors.

Hospitals accuse the RCSC of making profit from transplants.

One employee at an organ transplant hospital in Guangzhou
says the RCSC in Shen Zhen charges 10,000 yuan ($1,600) for information on each donor,
with no clear information on what this money will go towards.

Meng Xing, a tutor in Shen Zhen says that both hospitals
and the RCSC make profit from organ transplantations.

Meng Xing: “Transplants costs hundreds of thousands of yuan,
but are the actual medical expenses so high? I don’t think so.
The organ is free, and so the operation shouldn’t cost so much.

The RCSC forces them to donate.
So it for sure also makes a profit.”

Wang Jiangsong, Professor at the China Institute of Industrial
Relations, says the RCSC always groundlessly makes profits.
He says, people donate blood to the RCSC for free, and
the RCSC then sells blood to hospitals, who charge patients.
It has the privilege of being the only charity organization
under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Wang Jiangsong: “It’s a legal monopoly under its system.
What is the legal base? I am not so clear.
I believe its privilege was given by the authorities.”

It’s known that when the CCP established
its organ donor system,
the RCSC was introduced as the third-party organization
to register and validate organ transplants,
in order to superficially stop organ donation as a business.

Volunteer donors donated their organs with good intentions,
but it has become other people’s resource to make a profit.

This conflict and exposure between China’s hospitals
and the RCSC over allocation of profits from organ transplants
also reveals a corner of the dark scene.

Meanwhile, when someone is on a hospital bed,
the hospitals might plan on using his organs.
Are doctors saving people or killing people?

Wang Jiangsong: “There is no bottom line in China.
Anything could happen.
It really is that anything horrible could happen.
We Chinese indeed are in a state of fear and insecurity.
So many things have happened.
People don’t get a sense of security.”

According to World Organization to Investigate the
Persecution of Falun Gong,
Zhu Yunsong, Urologic Surgery Chairman at Guangzhou
Military General Hospital, admitted and said
they steal Falun Gong practitioners organs, using them
as a source for organ transplants.
