












打擊基督教 兩書店負責人判重刑





Who Has Received Money From Liu Zhijun In The End?

On June 18,"21st Century Business Herald" published details
of Liu Zhijun, former Minister of Railways bribery case.
Reports revealed that from Liu Zhijun’s 49 million yuan bribe,

44 million went to CCDI (Central Committee
of Discipline and Inspection),
and 5 million yuan went to the Central
Organization Department.
After this news circulated widely on the Internet, netizens
asked who did Liu Zhijun give the money to in the end.
Some people commented that CCDI and Central
Organization Department are two high power sectors.
Many citizens hate the corrupt local government,
but believe the central government is honest.
Now, Liu’s case tells them clearly that
it is corrupt from top to bottom.
Others ask: Will those involved be prosecuted?

Zhu Ruifeng: Zheng Fu Lei’s Trial Forced By Public Opinion

On June 19, Lei Zheng Fu is on trial for bribery in Chongqing.

Lei, former Communist Party secretary of Chongqing Beibei
District, is the protagonist of the “indecent video” incident.
Mainland media reported that Lei raised objections
against three million yuan bribery.
He claimed to be a victim of businessman
Xiao Hua’s deception.
Investigative reporter Zhu Ruifeng told BBC Chinese network,
that Chinese officials do not want to put Lei on trial.
They do so to lay some groundwork for the coming trial
of Zhao Hongxia for extortion.
Zhu Ruifeng believes that no one knows how much money
greedy officials like Lei Zheng Fu have accepted.
Authorities have to put him on trial to calm the public.

Zhu Ruifeng said: “They did not really want
to charge him for that.
However, they just take that amount of bribe to aim
at the trial of Xiao Hua and Zhao Hongxia et al.”

Two Bookstore Managers Get Heavy Penalties

Chinese authorities have always suppressed
religious belief.
Recently, a manager of a Christian bookstore in
Shanxi Province was sentenced to five years.
Li Wenxi from Beijing, who helped to establish
the bookstore, was lured to Shanxi.
Li was also sentenced to two years by authorities
on “suspicion of illegal business.”
According to “Radio Free Asia", Li’s wife
Li Caihong thinks her husband is innocent.
She is working with lawyers to appeal his conviction.

It is understood that Li Wenxi was an assistant
manager of the Christian bookstore “Morning Light Bookstore” for some years.
He also helped local Christian groups and students to
establish a religious bookstore, “En Yu Bookstore.
Last December, En Yu Bookstore was seized by
state security, and hundreds of books were confiscated.
A few days later, Taiyuan police called Li Wenxi and
told him that he could have his books back.
When Li Wenxi arrived in Taiyuan,
he was immediately arrested.
