

















採訪/易如 編輯/王子琦 後製/李若琳

Poll With Contradictory Results: Questions If China Had Direct Election

A recent survey shows that only a third of
Chinese residents can name their local mayors.
However, over half of them would still vote for the
incumbent mayors, if a direct election was held.
This result sounds somewhat contradictory.

Some scholars indicate that it was a ridiculous
survey in itself, so no one really takes it seriously.
Why did this happen? Let’s see our news coverage.

The poll was conducted in January by
the Horizon Research Consultancy Group.
It took place in30 major cities in China,
although Lhasa was excluded from the survey.

Radio France Internationale reported that
the interviewees were required to hold local
permanent residency, aged between 18-60.
The survey reportedly interviewed a total of 6,300 people.

The poll shows that about 52% respondents
said that they would still vote for the
existing mayor, if a direct election was held.
Yet, only 32% of them can name their local mayors.

Liu Kaiming, Director of a civil think tank, Shenzhen:
“The survey itself is absurd, as currently
direct election hasn’t existed in China.
So it’s pointless to make such an assumption, and nobody
can really take it seriously. They just replied for fun.”

Mr. Yin, Shanghai citizen: “It was very contradictory.
They exaggerate things all the times, untruthful.
It made no sense, so can you
really find the survey meaningful?”

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post quoted
Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing-based lawyer.
Chen said the findings implied that mainlanders
tend to mind their own business, as long as
the authorities do not disrupt their lives.
Chen added that such political indifference
was also tied to the suppression of freedom
of speech and freedom to demonstrate.

Wang Hui, Chengdu citizen, independent candidate:
“I think that firstly, a lot of people don’t care about voting,
if their legal rights are not infringed.
Secondly, they simply didn’t take the questions seriously.”

Liu Kaiming remarks that the Horizon
Research survey seems to be real.
However, whether it can get ordinary
people’s real voice, that’s hard to say.

Liu Kaiming: “During on-camera interviews,
Chinese generally try to answer “correctly”.
What’s the correct answer? The safest
one that won’t get him into trouble.”

The survey indicates public support for mayors.

The worst three mayors were Yang Xiong,
Shanghai mayor, Song Xibin, Harbin mayor,
and Huang Qifan, Chongqing mayor.

Liu Kaiming: “In China, citizens have
no rights to oversee local mayors.
So everyone feels that mayors have nothing to do with them.

If the mayor is good, we thank the Heaven,
if not, we can only pray that he leaves early.”

Mr. Yin says that if he has the right to vote,
he won’t vote for the incumbent mayor.

Mr. Yin: “I won’t vote for him, definitely.

Because the communist party’s cadres have
never got their posts through competency.
For decades, none of the regions in China have
seen good governance. Why shall I still vote for him?”

Wang Yaoming, a Chongqing citizen, commented.

He says that without an open, transparent,
and truly free election, the mayor and
the people have no direct ties.
In his view, those mayors who seemingly advocate
on behalf of livelihood don’t really serve the people.

Wang Yaoming: “I’m not satisfied with
the government as a whole, nor do I have
any good opinion on the current mayor.
Direct election isn’t likely in our society at the moment.

Nor is the election of candidates
who can really represent the people.”

Wang Yaoming reveals that since the incidents of
Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai broke out in Chongqing,
the public have no longer seen the importance of
the CCP’s appointment of officials.
Huang Qifan is deemed a “fence-straddler”,
who butters his bread on both sides.
He has been frowned upon by local people.
