
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後制/陳建銘

Lens Magazine Suspended Over “Masanjia Article”

Some people are saying that magazine “Lens Vision” has been
suspended because it published a report “Walk out of Masanjia”.
The report disclosed that women prisoners
in Masanjia labor camp have been brutally tortured.

On May 5th a microblog called “Lanjing Financials Insider
News” posted that magazine “Lens Vision” was suspended.
Many netziens tried to confirm the news with Lens.
However the magazine remained silent.

Luo Changping, Vice President of “Lens” published
a piece on his micro-blog .
He talked about the report on women prisoners
in Liaoning labor camps.
Luo stated that it took “Lens” four years to interview
more than 20 prisoners and witness.
Then the article was completed by combining
testimonies with material evidence.
On the other hand, Laoning investigation group
never obtained any evidence.
They concluded that the Lens report is “purely fabricated”,
“distorting the truth”, “severely inconsistent with the truth”.
This is obviously unfair to Lens.
We expect a more objective and transparent investigation.

Someone from Beijing’s media circle with inside knowledge,
said the “cruel torture in Masanjia” situation is very weird.
Lens magazine is registered in Helongjiang province. A
government department asked to suspend Lens’ registration.
However, Lens might find other ways, e.g.
re-register, to save the magazine.

The person also disclosed that Liaoning investigation group
dare not reveal their “conclusion” on cruel torture in Masanjia.
Meanwhile, Beijing’s attitude toward this event
has been very ambiguous.
As a matter of fact, different factions might be
contesting for various interests.

The micro-blog “Lanjing Financials Insider News” said: “With
luck, Dai Xiaojing is able to find a new registration for Lens.”
Dai Xiaojing is President of Caixun Media Group.

Qiao Mu, Associate Professor of Beijing Foreign Language
University and Director of International Media Research Center, also noticed the news of Lens being suspended.
“It’s not surprising that the magazine has been suspended.

This happens in China every day. Years ago, “Icing Point”, from
“China’s Youth” was also closed for its sharp comments.

Qiao Mu thinks that Len’s report “Walk out of Masanjia”
is an outstanding report from a professional viewpoint.

Qiao Mu: “Based on Luo Changping, Vice Chief Editor of Lens,
it took professional reporters more than four years
to investigate and obtain various evidences.
In addition, multiple information sources have been adopted.
It’s a very solid and sound report.
Actually, it’s widely agreed that the Chinese Communist Party’s
(CCP) policy of ‘reeducation through labor’ is illegal and inhuman.
Now Lens completed such a solid report on it.
It’s a great thing to do.
It will help abolish the so-called ‘reeducation
through labor’ policy.”

Qiao Mu stated the conclusion drawn by Laoning Investigation
group that “Lens severely distorts the truth” is unconvincing.
First, it would take a longer time to investigation.

Secondly, evidence has to be obtained from the people
covered in Lens’ report, including those who did the interviews.
As a matter of fact, none of this was done by Liaoning
investigation group before they made their conclusion.

Qiao Mu: “If you are saying Lens is distorting the truth,
you have to perform a solid investigation.
Did you obtain any evidence from people involved?
Has evidence been obtained from different aspects?
You cannot just quote the words of folks who actually manage
the labor camp. The investigation has to be independent.
As disclosed from the internet, the head of the Liaoning
investigation group used to run Masanjia labor camp.
If so, there is no credibility in their conclusion.”

Teng Biao, lawyer in China, posted in his micro-blog:
“Official reports on Masanjia are inconsistent with the truth.
Many more much worse and more terrifying truths
have been concealed.”

“The more terrifying truth” stated by Teng Biao
has caused widespread attention from the internet.

Some netziens suspect “the more terrifying truth”
could be live organ harvesting.
Some people stated that both “Voice of America” and
“BBC news” have paid attention to this topic.
The sensitive topic of live organ harvesting might be proposed.

After Liaoning Investigation Group published its report,
Yuan Ling, author of “Walk out of ‘Masanjia’” questioned the creditability and fairness of the report.
Now Yuan Ling’s Sina micro-blog account has been deleted.

On April 22nd after Liaoning Investigation Group disclosed
their investigation conclusion, Yuan Ling made a statement.
He said, “I advise Liaojing Labor Camp to sue me, and then
both the labor camp and I can face each other in open court with victim testimonies and material evidence.
If I indeed distorted the truth,
I would assume the criminal liability.
However, if my report is factually accurate, the labor camps
and related officials should assume the criminal liabilities.”
