










王全璋4月3 號在靖江法院為一名法輪功學員辯護時,被法官認為違反法庭紀律,下令將他「司法拘留10天」。他被提早釋放後,曾對海外媒體表示,自己並沒有作出任何擾亂法庭秩序的行爲,靖江法院是在司法報復。而他在法院拘留期間,還受到了不公的對待,法警有意壓他的手銬,以致他手部受傷。






採訪/劉惠 編輯/尚燕 後製/李月

Lawyer Wang Quanzhang’s Case; A Grand Fight Back From Desperation

Due to online support and protests from many lawyers,
human rights Lawyer Wang Quanzhang was released early.
He was detained by Jiangsu Jingjiang City Court
who abused their power.
Wangquan Zhang had asked two lawyers to apply for
reconsideration on his improper judicial detention.
Netizens said the case of lawyer Wang Quanzhang
started a second-phase counterattack.

On April 8th Chinese lawyer Yang Jinzhu published
an article on his blog and microblogging.
It confirmed that Wang Quanzhang applied for reconsideration.

He said he has got Lawyer Chen Guangwu’s consent to work
together representing Wang on the reconsideration case.

Wang Quanzhang was released early on April 6th. He wrote on
on his microblog on April 7th he applied for reconsideration.
He sent out the letter of power for attorney to
Taizhou City Intermediate Court on April 9th.
His series of actions were called “the Grand Fight back
from Desperation” by netizens.

Chinese legal expert Yang Xuelin thinks
Wang Quanzhang’s “fight-back” has legal basis.

Yang Xuelin: “No matter what kind of case a lawyer works on,
his/her right of action should be guaranteed.
Wang Quanzhang was detained when fulfilling defense duties.
Why was he detained?
Did he seriously disrupt the order of the court?
We need to discuss and pay attention to this.”

Wang Quanzhang’s announcement of “fight-back” also made
the term “Si Ke (Stick to the End)” popular on microblog.

Yang Xuelin wrote on the microblg: “From the
Lizhuang Case, Beihai Case, Xiahe Case and other Si Ke classic cases, the so-called Si Ke is for rule by law.
Currently law has been manipulated to such a state.
There is no other choice, but to Si Ke!”

Many Netizens Show Their Support To Si Ke.

Democracy Academy of China in New York
President Tang Baiqiao thinks Wang Quanzhang,
the two lawyers, netizens’ support to Si Ke, and
their attitude to pursue a fair legal system
reflects the overall state in China.

Tang Baiqiao: “I think it reflects the entire situation in China.

The power of defending rights or resistance,
once a shaky state is now slowly changing,
especially with the power of the Internet.”

On April 3rd, Wang Quangzhang was sentenced by
the judge of the Jingjiang Court to 10-day detention.
He apparently disturbed the order of the court
when defending a Falun Gong practitioner.
He told overseas media that he did not do anything
to disturb the court order.
The court tried to attack him and he experienced
unfair treatment during detention.
The court police injured his hands by deliberately
pressing the handcuffs on his hands.

However, Wang Quanzhang is not the only lawyer
who has represented Falun Gong practitioners.
Beijing Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is still in prison.

Geng He, Gao Zhisheng’s wife: “The issue of Gao Zhisheng
has not got better. He is still being persecuted.
If the new leaders want to promote rule by law in China,
they must make a breakthrough in Gao Zhisheng’s case.”

The last time Gao Zhisheng’s family members were
allowed to meet him was on January 12th, 2013.
Since then Gao Zhizheng was denied the right to have visits.

There is also the spirit of “stick to it until death”
in Geng He’s peaceful statement.

Geng He: “The only way is to stick to what we think is right.
This is the resource that we can use.
We also need overseas media to pay lots of attention.”

Tang Baiqiao expressed, the persecution of Falun Gong is
an issue that cannot be avoided in the history of China.
Lawyer Gao Zhisheng and Wang Quanzhang’s actions
make all Chinese intellectuals ask themselves:
“What we have done when the largest group of people
in China is being persecuted”.
