【禁聞】禽流感疫情 中港臺政府關注三重天


















採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/周天

Hong Kong And Taiwan Governments Worried About Bird Flu

Recently, human infection with the H7N9 avian
influenza virus was discovered for the first time.
Three people from Shangahi City and Anhui Province
were infected.
Two of them died, and one is in critical condition.

So far, the source of this illness is unknown.
Human to human transmission cannot be ruled out.
Many people in Mainland China are panicking and protesting
against the government’s reluctance to report the cases.
Some experts question whether dead pigs drifting on the
Huangpu River might be related the outbreak of the bird flu.

On March 31st the Mainland Health Committee reported that
three people were infected with the H7N9 bird flu virus.
They were both male, 87 and 27 years of age.
They were infected on February 19th and February 27th.
One died on March 4th and the other on March 10th.
A female patient, 35, from Anhui Province was infected
on March 9th. She is in critical condition.

These three cases have the same symptoms; fever, cough
and other respiratory symptoms of common flu at the start.
Then followed by the development of severe pneumonia
and breathing difficulties.
People from the Mainland are very concerned about
the new type of H7N9 avian influenza virus.
Within a day, there were more than one million microblogs.

Many netizens wonder if the bird flu has anything
to do with dead pigs drifting on the Huangpu River.
Hong Kong Experts also believe that Chinese authorities
must collect dead pig samples to rule out the possibility.
At the same time, the officials’ delayed reports
were questioned.
Many people accused the government of hiding the epidemic
for “two sessions”, and aiming at window-dressing.

Mr. Luk from Shanghai: “This is our national system, which
conceals everything from the people, like bird flu and SARS.
That’s how our government hurts us, the ordinary citizens.

The media refuse to inform us of anything that is harmful,
including our dead-pig issue.”

Mainland officials claimed the reason for delay in notification,
was due to the time consuming process in detecting the virus.
Experts retorted that was not true.

Taiwan Animal and Plant Health Inspection Quarantine
Bureau: “To determine pathogens, it does not take long.
With more advanced technology, it would take us
only a few days to detect virus in animals.“

To understand more about the new virus H7N9, NTDTV
reporter called as an ordinary citizen to many government
departments to inquire about further information.
It turned out that Mainland National CDC and Shanghai CDC
had no one answered incoming calls.
Some health departments claimed that
they did not receive any inquires.

Beijing Municipal Health Bureau Hotline: “So far we have not
received the latest information about avian influenza outbreak,
and we have not been notified.”

The Beijing Municipal Health Bureau hotline:
”We do not have reports regarding this epidemic.
What we have is information of the old bird flu,
but not the new type.”

Subsequently, the reporter called several well-known
infectious disease hospital in Shanghai for consultation.
He was told, “We are not clear about that.”

One hospital even asked, “We don’t have any avian flu
patients, how would we know what kind of virus that is?”

However, the officials claimed they have deployed all levels
of health care institutions to enhance detection of this illness.
Government health departments at all levels
have taken a series of actions and measures.
That is clearly inconsistent with reality.

On the contrary, Hong Kong and Taiwan governments
have paid great attention to the new avian flu virus.

Taiwan’s Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control:
“According to our knowledge, three people infected were exposed to birds.
So when people come into contact with excreta or
droppings of the birds, they become infected."

The Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection said the death of
the 27-year-old patient from Shanghai was a pork vendor.
The 35-year-old female patient from Anhui also has history of
exposure to poultry before the onset of her illness.

Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of
Disease Board put out a reminder to people in the Mainland;
Stay away from birds or wear a mask, wash hands frequently
with disinfectant, pay attention to personal hygiene,
and only consume fully-cooked poultry and
eggs to avoid infection with avian influenza.
