【禁聞】周小川抖金融黑幕 央行急否認













採訪/李蓮 編輯/周平 後製/葛雷

Top Bank President Exposes China’Banking System

Zhou Xiaochuan, president of People’s Bank of China,

has frequently talked of his dissatisfaction when speaking
about China’s economy in recent conferences.
He criticized that the banking system reform was impeded
by high officials in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
However, another director of People’s Bank of China
denied that Zhou’s words were true.
What has Zhou Xiaochuan said
about the truth of China’s economy?
Why were his remarks rejected by People’s Bank of China?
Let’s have a look at the report.

Hong Kong’Ming Pao reported of Zhou Xiaochuan criticism
of high-level barriers against the banking system reform.
They quoted Zhou’s words at a State Council meeting,

“Although all high-level meetings are talking about’reform,’
‘mind re-revolution’and a ‘reform or suffocation’etc.,
there has been no specific policies, no rules,
and no clear guidelines in directing the work.
How are we supposed to reform the banking system
in such a case?
Always’wading across the stream by feeling the way’
in making policies will have us pay a heavy price for it."

The report also mentioned the housing problem,
concerning most Chinese.
Zhou Xiaochuan remarked before that,
“The housing problem emerged as early as six years ago.
However, all the officials just told false stories or forged
Statistics, as to be in tune with the general tone, and without taking it seriously.
Now the real estate bubble is looming over China."

Zhou added, an earlier burst of the bubble will lead
to less damages on China’s politics, economy and society.
Zhou also remarked, although his opinions"seemed"to be
in the minority or even isolated, in fact all experts know clearly what will happen.
However, if they just let the truth be covered by slogans,
like “stability above all,"the history will punish them with a cost that the whole nation can hardly afford."

Wu Fan (chief editor, China Affairs):"Zhou Xiaochuan
is the person in charge of China’s banking system.
He revealed all these problems right before stepping down,
suggesting that the problems are not only real, but also very serious in scale.
Zhou would have never spoken those words if he was still a CCP
Central Committee member, or still has a bright political future.
Now he is just very disappointed with the reality."

The 64-year-old Zhou Xiaochuan will retire due to age limit.

Sources revealed that Zhou was a presidium member of
the 18th CCP congress, as well as a candidate for State Council member in charge of the banking system.
However, he lost in the “preliminary election"
of the Central Committee members.
Outsiders believe Zhou would leave office as early as
the end of 2012 or March, 2013, together with the premier Wen Jiabao.

Li Shanjian (political commentator): “The CCP officials just
tell lies regularly to build the so-called ‘auspicious situation.’
In some sense we should trust more
what they deny harder.
For example, Xu Jiatun was the director of Xinhua agency
in Hong Kong in 1989.
Because of the June Fourth Incident he fled overseas.
Since then he has revealed many inside stories of the CCP’s regime about that."

On December 18th, a director of People’s Bank of China
stated that Zhou Xiaochuan had never commented on the so-called"hina’s economy and finance turbulence."
He also claimed that all relevant reports were forged
and unreal.

Wu Fan: “The CCP was just trying its best to hide the truth,
which is critical to them.
However, it is a futile effort as there are many statistics
and facts in helping make judgments on whether Zhou’s words are real or not.
The CCP’s regime has distorted
the personalities of its officials.
They can swear falsely for their benefits at work.
On the other hand, they have to speak the truth to their families at home."

Zhou Xiaochuan comes from a family of CCP senior officials.

After graduating from middle school, he worked in a
Heilongjiang construction troop during the Down to the Countryside Movement.
Zhou was member of the 16th and 17th
CCP Central Committee.
He was previously president of China Construction Bank,
chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission,
and is the current president of People’s Bank of China
and the Monetary Policy Commission.

Li Shanjian: “CCP always tried to brainwash the Chinese
people with lies, which was how it grabbed the power.
It controls not only the civilians by propaganda,
but its own party members too.
Of course the CCP itself uses another term,
called “party spirit."
The “party spirit"is something
completely opposite to humanity.
Thus, although its members inside the regime still have
some humanity left, it is restricted and suppressed so that it cannot really take an effect."

The economic community has also been interested
in the successor of Zhou Xiaochuan.
The suggested candidates are: Shang Fulin –
China Banking Regulatory Commission’president,
Guo Shuqing – China Securities Regulatory Commission’
chairman, and Xiao Gang – Bank of China’ board chairman.
