【禁聞】令計劃偶掌統戰 杜青林下課有隱情









時事評論家 橫河:「杜青林究竟出了甚麼事,現在我們不是很清楚他們的換位置是遲早要發生的,但是,如果說這時候,有一個在這個級別上的部門,必須要馬上換人的話,那很可能,最順手的人就是令計劃,這個因素在外面的討論當中是最少談到的一個。但是,不排除有這種可能性。



橫河也強調 ,中共中央辦公廳主任位置很重要,但是,在歷史上真正在這個位置上,爬到最高位的人並不多,如果沒有其他的工作經驗,沒有具體在省或某一個部歷練過,很難入常。






採訪編輯/常春 後製/鍾元

Deposition of Du Qinglin has some Secrets

Recently, CCP Top management has changed frequently.

Xinhua News Agency said on 1st Sept that the former
Guizhou Party Secretary Li Zhanshu was appointed
to the Director of General Office of Central Committee,
Ling Jihua as Minster of United Front Work.
The sudden changes aroused doubts for many.

The spotlight is now on Ling Jihua and Li Zhanshu, yet a
critical figure was ignored, the former minister of United Front Works, Du Qinglin.

According to Xinhua news agency, Du resigned because he is
now 65 and not eligible to be a minister according to the age regulations, so Ling Jihua took his job.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Although the retirement age threshold for ministers is 65,
one doesn’t have to follow the regulations,
if holding a concurrent position of being one of the
CCP central committee leaders.

Besides, sources say that the mysterious return flight of
Air China’s CA981 on Aug. 29, was related with the
deputy Prime Minster Hui Liangyu, who has a
close allegiance to Du Qinglin.
Du and his ministry involved in Bo Xilai’s case have now
been purged by the Party.

South China Morning in Hong Kong reported on Sept.3
that Ling’s unexpected appointment was related with his son, Ling Gu』s suspicious death in car accident on 18th March.

Reports quoted from sources in Beijing state that Ling, losing
his position with General Office meant he couldn’t enter the standing committee at 18th Congress.
The Daily Telegraph in UK said that it was not clear if
Ling’s appointment was actually a demotion.

Hong Kong Chinese media unanimously think positively
of Ling’s political career, although some overseas Chinese media reported negatively.

Apply Daily stated Ling could be future Vice-Chairman of the
National Committee of the CPPCC, one of Party and Country leaders.
The switch of his position is to pave his way
for the future promotion.

Commentator Heng He: “We are not yet sure what
has happened to Du Qinglin.
They change positions once in a while.

However, if the senior government decided to
replace a person immediately, the most possible and easiest replacement they will use is Ling Jihua.
This factor is seldom discussed, yet proving to be possible."

Heng He also states: the immediate replacement must be someone
who is trusted by all fractions and at least by Hu Jintao.
So the best choice is Ling Jihua.

Some oversea media reported that Du Qinglin would be
deputy prime minister in charge of agriculture.
aboluowang.com counters that it is pure rumor.

Heng He stressed that the position of the Director of
General Office of the Central Committee is very important,
yet in history, few people in this position climbed
to highest level.
Without experiences in provincial government or ministries,
it is hard to enter the standing committee.

Heng He: “You can’t say that the ministry of
United Front Work is not important, it is responsible to administrate overseas intelligence agencies.
For an under-experienced person like Ling Jihua, the position
is to give him an opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities.
In fact, being a director of general office,
he seldom had any opportunity to show himself.

It is understood that the United Front Work had already
combined some functions of military and state security intelligence, and overseas instigation works.
Heng He said that such an important department will
for sure be controlled by Hu’s confidants.

Former Scholar with the California University, Zeng Dajun said
that the CCP could barely manage to survive, although its leaders were trying all means to keep it alive.

Zeng Dajun:"Zhao Ziyang said that when we were still able to
be in control, we shall quickly pay back those debts,
for example, the Tiananmen Square massacre, or
the persecution of Falun Gong.
This needs to be corrected before
a smooth transition is possible."

Zeng Dajun said the only hope in China now is
to have a person like Gorbachev.
