【禁聞】香港學生絕食越三日 似民運 非6.4








天安門民主女神雕塑家 陳維明:「他們對學生的那種麻木不仁和漠不關心,很像當年6.4的時候,香港的政府就是中共在香港的代理人,中央政府給他們的死命令,這個東西一定要執行,因為如果哪一天不執行,香港的人心一天沒有收復。」





陳維明說,香港這些伴隨著「6.4屠殺」出生,和見證了迫害法輪功成長起來的年輕人,能成為堅守民主的主力, 是因為家長們從小就告訴了他們:記住真相。



陳維明認為,因為香港的地理位置和民主基礎,港府不敢像6.4 一樣對待示威者。




採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

Hong Kong’ Students Hunger Strike Reminds of June 4th

Hong Kong (HK) students went on hunger strike for 72 hours,
to protest against the Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) “Brainwashing National Education Program.”
Some teachers who participated in the strike
went into a coma and were sent to the hospital.
Many well-known Hong Kong celebrities joined the protest,
with hosts wearing black shirts.
Former Hong Kong government think-tanks
and experts made a joint statement.
They said, they are willing to voluntarily educate
the children, as to give the parents peace of mind.
Yet, Hong Kong seems insisting on not withdrawing
CCP’s “Brainwashing National Education Program.”
Anti-Brainwashing Organization promoted non-cooperation
movement, including students not attending classes.
The outside world feels Hong Kong’s protest is very similar
to 1989 democracy movement, just without the massacre.

On the first day of school, September 3rd, Hong Kong’s Anti
National Education Alliance started its next initiative.
It went to Hong Kong government’s headquarters, asking
them to withdraw the “Brainwashing National Education.”
The sky bridge facing the government headquarters was
seated with people, among them, many with black shirts.

Some protestors posted black and white photos of HK’s
Beijing-backed leader Leung Chun-ying, and drew a huge X over it to express their dissatisfaction.

Many celebrities sang and gave speeches, those who were
at the scene called for Leung and the CCP to step down.

Hong Kong celebrity Huang Yaoming:
“I hope everyone can have a dialogue.
I hope this government can come through and withdraw
this program. A wise government should act this way.”

He Zhijun, A/Professor Emeritus at HK Polytechnic University
(PolyU), was sent to hospital due to the hunger strike effects.
Many hunger strikers had low blood sugar, stomachache,
have vomited, and experienced dizziness.

Anti National Education Alliance set a deadline to withdraw
the “Brainwashing National Education Program.”
After the deadline, the HK Administrative Secretary
LinZheng Yue-e said, they will not withdraw these courses.

Chen Weiming, sculptor of Tiananmen Square’s Statue of
Liberty said: “Their numbness and carelessness toward the students are very similar to that of June 4th incident.
Hong Kong government is the CCP’s agent in Hong Kong,
they have to implement these inflexible orders of CCP.
Because it they don’t, that would mean the hearts
of the Hong Kong people are not recaptured.”

Chen Weiming thinks, because of China’s Brainwashing
Education, Mainlanders have given up their inherent rights.
When it comes to politics,
they feel numbed and scared.

Chen Weiming: “If it’s true Patriotic Education, then it’s o.k.
But in reality they are teaching traitorous education.
Look at what happened with the Diaoyu Islands,
just talking, no actions.
People charged in front, but did the troops show up? No!
Just symbolically saying a few sentences.
This brainwashing education
is very, very dangerous.”

HK Mingpao News reports, protest’ representatives said,
they will occupy HK government headquarters for a night.
They asked those who are participating to call
their relatives to bring some tents to the site.
They also expressed they will maintain the hunger strike
indefinitely until the government withdraws the Program.

Well-known Hong Kong reporter Hu Lihan
published an article on the issue.
Hu writes, HK people who lived under British rule express
a sense of powerlessness towards the pressure from Beijing, many have already gave up the struggle.
Young people maybe afraid of CCP but without the June 4th
experience they have innocence of a child and are keystones in promoting social reforms.

Chen Weiming: “Young people born after June 4th, and those
witnessing the Falun Gong’s persecution can become the main forces of democracy.
Because their parents have been telling them
ever since childhood to remember the truth.”

Chen Weiming: “The type of conscience and education they
have stem from that generation of Hong Kong’s people.
CCP sees that as long as the education does not change,
Hong Kong people’s [attitude] towards CCP’s dictatorship will be forever adverse.
Now Hong Kong has become China’s conscience,
China’s model and China’s lighthouse.”

Leung Chun-ying expresses he is willing to talk with
educators who oppose the National Education Program.
However, this will be under the condition they will not talk
about program’s withdrawal, only what their concerns are.

Chen Weiming believes HK government does not have
the courage to treat protestors like [CCP] on June 4th 1989.
This is due to Hong Kong’s geographic location,
and democratic foundations, Chen thinks.

Chen Weiming: “They will handle it coldly, drag it out
until your spirits get worn out – a very vicious move.
They’ll keep thinking of ways to change their image,
like a negotiator, they’ll make this move.
For the people of Hong Kong,
their determination is very important.”

The HKUST Union held an “Anti-Brainwashing” fair
at the Plaza of the Legislative Council Building.
More than 20 booths were set up, with games exhibitions to
let children learn about the brainwashing education horror.

In order to support the protestors, rights activist leader
Wang Dan publicly announced the hunger strike.
