【禁聞】驚軍委主席派軍隊 「爆頭哥」自爆頭
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

The Wanted Serial Killer Reportedly Died by Shooting

The Class-A wanted suspect Zhou Kehua was shot to death
by Chongqing police at 6:50 on August 14, said official media.
While analysts said that the official scene photos showed
strong characteristics that Zhou committed suicide.
Commentators say Zhou Kehua’s fall from ordinary citizen
to wanted killer is down to social injustice.
And corruption of the public security system of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) has played a main role.

Since 2004, Zhou Kehua has reportedly committed
a total of nine crimes, shooting ten people to death.
Zhou was labeled as the “headshot man” for
shooting victims’ heads.

Zhou Kehua committed the latest homicide on August 10th.

The suspect Zhou Kehua killed one and injured two in a robbery
in Shapingba, Chongqing, in front of a China Bank agency.
Zhou grabbed the victim’s withdrawal shoulder bag
and killed one railway policeman hunting for him.

Zhou Kehua has been infamous for hitting several records.

The CCP Public Security Ministry issued an order of
Commendation to Chongqing Municipal Public Security;
Around 5,000 soldiers from Chengdu Military Region were
dispatched for the manhunt;
The accumulated bounty on Zhou topped 5.4 million yuan
the top figure among the Class-A wanted suspects in China.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) can only
be dispatched with co-agreement of the head and
all deputies of the CCP’s Central Military Commission.
This reflected the CCP top-level’s attention on the case.

In 1986, Zhou Kehua was detained for 14 days for
molesting women.
In 2005, Zhou was sentenced to three-years in jail
for illegal possession of firearms.

Zhu Jianguo (Writer, Shenzhen): “This case gives us
some revelations.
Firstly, in China, the wide rich-poor gap and the accelerated
corruption have forced some ordinary people to be criminals.
Secondly, it showed that China’s prisons are not places that
helped prisoners to be better but worsened them instead.”

Zhu Jianguo thinks that society has a great liability for
Zhou Kehua’s being reduced to a criminal.
China’s public security and prisons have become
corruption-focused venues.
Prisoners were influenced not by fairness and justice,
but extorted confession under torture.
This evoked their greater hatred towards the society,
and further distorted their soul.
Therefore, prisons in China have become training schools
for super-criminals, Zhu Jianguo said.

Zhu Jianguo comments that massive and costly manhunts
staged over the past eight years for the serial killer indicates the shortage of police skills.
The police are busy every day with wining and dining and
interpersonal relations.
those on-duty are mainly casual labors or auxiliary police.

Zhu Jianguo: “Why are they short of talent then?

Wang Lijun is an example saying his sinking was caused
by the corruption of the public security system.
The police, without talent, have been incapable of bringing
criminals to justice, letting Zhou Kehua be free for 8 years.
In fact, even if you have captured him now, it’s still a failure."

The CCP claimed that Zhou Kehua was shot to death.

Many media news said after verification,
Zhou committed suicide after having been hit by two shots.
The on-site residents reportedly heard several gunshots.
Several bullet holes were left at the scene.
Analysts say, the official site photos show that Zhou Kehua
appeared shot in the temple, obvious characteristics of suicide.

Surprisingly, a neighbor of Zhou Kehua’s ex-wife reported
to confirm that in August 2011,
Zhou took his ex-wife who had a surgical operation
to change the dressing every day.

Citizen (China) : “During Kuomintang times,
weren’t those like Mao Zedong deemed terrorists?
Aren’t the Communist Party force just the terrorists
according to nowadays’ definitions?
Back then it was only in a different society, that’s all.”

The mainland Chinese citizens said that Zhou Kehua’s fall
from a very good person to a criminal was avenging society.
Today’s China has been filled with large number of people
like Zhou, who are waiting for the moment of outbreak.
