【禁聞】南海中共強勢崛起 北邊對俄服軟





美國資深參議員、參議院軍事委員會資深共和黨人馬侃(Senator John McCain)認為,中國決定在與越南有爭議的南中國海島嶼上部署軍隊是不必要的挑釁行為。

對美國的勸說,中共學者則在《人民日報》海外版警告美國:《插手海洋爭端,美國別走火入魔 》,態度蠻橫。



軍事政治評論員 文昭:「 中共在處理主權問題上面和它在其他領域一樣,它是一種實用主義,它並沒有一個特別真實堅持貫徹的原則,它沒有一個連貫性的原則。」



劉因全:「 共產黨是蘇聯共產黨的兒子黨,它們是蘇聯這個老子黨培植起來的傀儡。在這種情況下,它們一貫的對蘇聯採用軟弱、退讓、賣國這樣的政策。我們知道東北以外的大片領土,和外蒙古以及外蒙古北邊大片的領土,還有新疆北邊一片的領土,都是被共產黨的這些領導人出賣給俄國的。」





採訪/李倩倩 編輯/宋風 後製/鐘元

The CCP Strongly Challenges in South China Sea.
North terrified of Russia; Gives in with weakness.

Recently Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced the
establishment of Sansha City People’s Townhall, Sansha Garrison at the disputed South China Sea.
They acted as if ready to attack, while apparently negotiating
the superficial act of the detained Chinese fishing boat by Russia.
The hypocritical behavior of the so-called “strong nation” is
truly astounding.
Scholars point out that since Russia assisted the rise of CCP,
it wants to “pay back the debt of gratitude.”

On July 24th, the CCP announced the establishment of
Sansha City at Yongxing Island of Paracels,
and appointed it as Hainan’s third prefecture-level city,
it is the administration of Paracels, Macclesfield Bank, Spratlys and its Coastal Region.

On July 26th, CCP Defense Ministry also
appointed principle leaders to Sansha Garrison and
claimed Paracels Water District belongs to
the South China Sea Fleet,
mainly responsible for defensive combat for
the waters under its jurisdiction.

On the 25th, The Philippines submitted two diplomatic
protests to Beijing.
This is the 12th official protest the Philippines has brought up
since the confrontation over Scarborough Shoal took place. Vietnam also raised its protest.

Senator John McCain believes China’s decision to deploy
troops in the disputed South China Sea Islands with Vietnam is an unnecessary act of provocation.

CCP scholars responded to this by posting an article titled
“U.S. should not get possessed by the Devil and intervene in Maritime disputes.”

However, on July 24th, Russian border authorities detained
and searched the two Chinese fishing boats carrying 16 and 17 sailors respectively.
This is the 10th fishing boat detained by Russia.

The Chinese Embassy in Russia negotiated and strived to
handle the situation properly. It did not hold any protests.

Also two fishing boats were detained on the 15th and 16th
by Russia at the far east sea.
Russia bombarded one of the fishing boats causing one sailor
to go missing and 36 sailors were detained.
Russia claims it was legal to bombard the boats and
the missing sailors are China’s responsibility.
Not only did they get bombarded, they are even facing
criminal persecution!

Military affairs commentator Wen Zhao: “CCP deals with the
issue of sovereignty in the same way it deals with other problems; it is pragmatic.
It does not have an especially truthful adherence to the
principle of consistency. It does not have a principle of consistency.”

Wen Zhao says that how the CCP deals with the issue of
Sovereignty is by changing according to which outcome will positively or negatively affect its political power.
Currently, under Global Economic Integration, South China Sea
not only involves matters between one or two countries but the interest of the international community as a whole.
It is very hard to resolve by pure military force.

Furthermore, history professors and China Social Democratic
Party Central Committee moderator Liu Yin Quan believes
that the CCP is not truly concerned about the territory.
For example, it does not mention the disputed territory.
Not only is it because the CCP bullies the weak and fears the
strong but because the CCP was fostered and supported by former Soviet Union, so it wants to show its gratitude.

Liu Yinquan: “CCP is the son of Soviet Communist Party.
It is the propagated puppet of Soviet Union Communist Party.
Under this condition, they’ve always conceded and gave
away land.
We know that besides large territories outside Northeast
China, CCP leaders sold Outer Mongolia and
large territories North of Outer Mongolia as well as territories
North of Tibet to Russia.”

Liu Yinquan says many generations of CCP leaders have all
received favors from the Soviet Union.
Deng Xiaoping, Lin Biao, Wang Ming and others obtained
power. Li Peng, Jiang Zemin and others received higher education in the Soviet Union.
Jiang even participated in Soviet’s KGB Secret Service.

In order to curry favor with the Soviet Union, Jaing Zemin
gave the Soviet Union several million square kilometers of land
which was forcibly occupied by the Soviets
during the Qing Dynasty.

Liu Yinquan points out that the CCP curries favor with Russia
but did not receive reciprocation.
Russia continued to sell its advanced weapons to China’s
antagonists India and Vietnam.
Russian leaders believe in their hearts that
the CCP is their servile follower.
They firmly believe the CCP owes Russia,
so they do not treat China as a country equal to Russia.
They are prejudiced towards Chinese people.

Liu Yinquan: “Many people who have been to the Soviet
Union feel that Russians do not treat Chinese as humans.
They often bully and rip off Chinese businessmen.
Attack and disgrace Chinese scholars.
Many people have been insulted and pushed around there.”

Liu Yinquan points out the CCP is very much standing alone
Internationally, with many potential dangers waiting to erupt internally.
He believes only by nullifying dictatorship and executing
principles of democracy can China have a way out.
