【禁聞】港臺積極出禁書 陸客越境拜讀













採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/孫寧

Mainland Chinese Tourists Cross Border to Read:
Banned Books in China Sold Out in Taiwan and Hong Kong

Recently, the number of tourists traveling from mainland
China to Hong Kong and to Taiwan has increased.
With the downfall of Bo Xilai, and the forthcoming
18th session, mainland Chinese want to know more about the truth.
In order to meet the needs of the market, Hong Kong
and Taiwan publishers are actively publishing
so-called 『political forbidden books’,
which are banned by Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
After mainland tourists buy these books, they want to take
them back to mainland China for reading or as gifts.
However, many books have been detained by customs
when they return to mainland China.
Scholars of mainland China said that the CCP authorities
regard the publication of opinions that differ from officially
sanctioned ones as something more serious than drugs.

Voice of America reported that in relatively
large bookstores in Hong Kong and Taipei,
there are special counters for books on mainland
Chinese politics and modern history.
Some visitors from mainland China just stay there to read.

Although those books are listed as forbidden books
by the Chinese Communist Party,
some mainland Chinese visitors said
they still want to take them back to the mainland.
This is because their family members and close friends
are in a queue, waiting to read the books.

He Yongquan, a writer from mainland China, said that
a lot of mainland Chinese people want to know the truth.
They are eager to have a way of reading related reports.

He Yongquan: “Including myself,
I very much want to read those books.
Although the quality of some books may
be not too high, it is also normal.
At least most of what they say are true;
what they have seen are some real phenomenon;
they write their own feelings in the books,
or publish them in a magazine.”

Some books cannot be read in mainland China,
and the desired information is not available.
Some writers’ works cannot be published, and He Yongquan
said that he feels very sorry from start to finish.

He Yongquan: “Every writer wants to take his
or her own works to the society.
They want to be appreciated, criticized and recognized.”

Taiwan’s China Times reported that
with the upcoming CCP 18th session,
there are books related to the 18th session
in Taiwan book markets.
According to statistics, the sales from those bookstores that
mainland tourists often visit are higher than others.

However, the report said that mainland Chinese
visitors worry that
CCP customs would detain these books
when they return to mainland China.
What they worry about most is that the persons
who carry the books are detained by CCP.

Tang Jitian, a lawyer in mainland China: “Strictly speaking,
even according to existing laws, especially open documents,
it (CCP) cannot detain the books from citizens.

The Constitution emphasizes the freedom of expression,
including the freedom of press.
The highest principles do not allow it to issue some
departmental rules and regulations,
or other internal documents limiting the behavior of
reading, carrying or circulating books.”

“China’s Civil Aviation Network” reported that on June 24,
at Guilin Liangjiang International Airport,
a passenger carrying Falun Gong books and tapes
was handed over to the CCP public security department.

Tang Jitian: “The legislative concept of mainland China,
or the style of rule, always regards alternative voices,
or different publications from those officially sanctioned,
as something more serious than drugs.
To some extent, the interdiction against these publications
in customs may make these staff more vigilant and dedicated than against drugs.”

Tang Jitian points out that as for the publications
that are not conducive to its monopoly on power,
the CCP seems to act like it is facing a strong enemy.

Some are because of its bibliography;
some because of the authors. Regardless, the CCP has a lot of red lines.
