






唐柏橋 (民主大學校長)


Speech: They Are True Heroes
At a Tibetans Rally in Union Square, New York
June 30, 2012
By Baiqiao Tang (President of Democracy Academy of China)

Today we are here, in deep mourning for the Tibetans who devoted their lives to the freedom and dignity of Tibet in the past year and show them our highest respect. At this moment, we feel very sorry, sad and angry. But, we have to be prepared, to face the brutal suppression and defiance by the Chinese Communist regime with our utmost moral sense and courage. Facing the cruel suppression and persecution to the Tibetans, we have to be united, to fight back our common enemy. This is the only way we can win. This is the only way we can be free. Today, we are the one. Today, we are all Tibetans!

Since March last year, in just one year, there have been over forty self-immolations of those brave Tibetans. They were so young. They were so energetic. Every time I heard about how they use their lives to show the dignity of themselves and the nation; every time I saw the raging fire over their bodies, I can’t stop crying and my heart break s. I prayed for them. Every time I think of the endless abuse to the people by the Chinese Communist Party, I can’t stop my anger. I want to fight them to the death. I believe in China now, thousands of people have the thought as me. If the Chinese Communist regime thought they can do anything they want to the people, they are totally wrong! The more evil they do, the closer they are near their grave! I’d rather say they will bury themselves one day, but we overthrow them. History has told us repeatedly,” the water supporting a ship can also upset it.” The brutal Chinese Communist Party will be greatly flooded by the people’s tide of striving for freedom. That day, will be a moment for mankind enter a new historical era: a new era with no evil regime.

Today I’m here, to show my highest respect to those brave people who burnt themselves. One after another, they lit the hope of the nation with their bodies, trying to arou se world’s attention. What a great sacrifice of spirit! They did that not for their own benefits, but for the whole nation, for the present and future of Tibet! This is an epic elegy and great action! If we close our eyes, it is not difficult for us to imagine how tragic and painful it is. They are human beings, but their will is stronger that steel! What is courage? Who deserves to be called a hero? They are incarnations of courage! They are the heroes! I don’t want to see lives to be harmed in this way, but, when they choose such a tragic and selfless way to devote themselves to the nation and their ideals, we cannot send them our highest respect; we can only look up at them! Every time we heard the news about the Tibetan self-immolation, the most we feel is so sorry, but meanwhile, we do feel touched by their courage and spirit! Some people say, with such fearless young people, this nation will never die! Today, I am proud of you! I am proud, as a friend of yours!

All the dictators became public enemies since the Arab Spring started. They are suffering more than ever. Since early this year, uprisings have happened in China everywhere, from Wukan to Zhongshan, from Chongqing to Hongkong. A great people’s anti-autocracy and democracy movement is breaking out. Tomorrow, the head of Chinese Communist Party Hu Jintao will be confronted with the roar and protest of a million Hong Kong people. The moment of changing the history is right ahead. After the struggle by numerous people one after another, we can see the dawn of democracy in China. The sky of China will be clear soon. I can hear the bell of liberty, I can smell the freedom. I believe that the day without the Chinese Communist tyranny is not far away. Our final victory is in sight.

The righteousness of Chinese society is rapidly improving, and justice is to be done step by step. The power of justice is assembled and will put fire to the evil! One warrior passed away, thousands of warriors stand out. “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!" they are annotations to such a great spirit of the United States since over 200 years ago.

I have repeated in my several speeches, I won’t be free unless all others are free. Freedom will not fall down from the sky; we have to strive for it. Now! It is the time! In this historical moment, we have to decide our own future, with our greatest passion, and our most courage, to dedicate ourselves to this greatest anti-tyranny and striving freedom movement in history. May the Tibetans be blessed! Bless all the Chinese people to be free soon!


