


受理亞洲各國客戶的香港移民律師哈維(Jean─Francois Harvey)介紹說,當今中國出現一股移民海外的熱潮。哈維形容,這些人的心態是「讓我立刻出去」。











移民律師哈維介紹說,過去的兩個星期,他為中國人代辦了16宗移民加勒比海島國聖基茨和尼維斯(St. Kitts and Nevis)的申請,而以往每個月他才辦理一兩宗這類申請。




採訪/梁欣 編輯/李謙 後製/鐘元

Bo Xilai incident pushes Chinese immigration fever to new heights

In recent years, many wealthy Chinese decided
to immigrate out of China, seeking better security for themselves and their wealth.
According to foreign media reports, after Chongqing city
secretary Bo Xilai was removed from office, the number of immigration applications in China drastically increased.
Immigration lawyers analyzed that this wave of immigration
has to do with the unstable political environment in China.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ),
there are increasing numbers of Chinese seeking
to immigrate to the U.S, Britain, Canada and other countries
in recent years.
Recently, this development has increased sizably.

Hong Kong immigration lawyer Jean─Francois Harvey
stated that there is currently an upsurge of Chinese immigrating out of China.
Harvey said the mentality of these people is,
“Let me out of the country right now.”

The WSJ report pointed out that, these people are
mainly officials and businessmen.
They apply for immigration mainly to protect
their family and wealth.
This huge immigration demand has even created
a new industry of immigration agents.
Some insiders found that after Bo Xilai was removed from
office, the number of immigration applications dramatically increased.

Comunist China State Department official Mr. Chen:
“That’s definite, there are many (people seeking immigration), not just one or two.
Especially those with money, those in business,
private business, rich businessmen, they all want to immigrate.”

Mr. Chen pointed out that wealthy businessmen are most
worried about the flawed legal system in Mainland China.

Mr. Chen: “One is safety. It’s not safe in Mainland China,
right now their money is in their pockets, but the money might not be in their pockets later.
What’s the main reason? The legal system is flawed.
You are illegal if (the regime) says you are illegal, you are legal if (the regime) says you are legal.
It’s very easy to put you in jail on some made-up charge,
this is the biggest reason.”

A report by USA Today on April 25 pointed out that

while Beijing’s Internet monitors tried to censor the
development of the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incidents,
the 500 million Chinese internet users have already made
this crisis the most publicly known scandal in Chinese history.
It also revealed another truth, that is more and more wealthy
Chinese and officials want to transfer their money, and families to the basecamp of democracy, the USA.

Mr. Chen said that right now there are very few officials
in China who are not corrupt.
So to escape punishment, the officials naturally wish
to immigrate abroad.

Mr. Chen: “When some people are very corrupt, and have
accepted huge amount of bribes, they must immigrate.
However, many people still have not found a good method,
or a suitable method to immigrate. Currently there are many like that.
From our statistics of what we understand, currently
many officials illegally immigrate and disappear.”

According to the report, during 2011, 75% of the people
seeking immigration to the U.S were from China.
However, since U.S immigration visa requires a wait time
of up to two years, wealthy Chinese look into other countries.

Immigration lawyer Harvey introduced, in the last two weeks,
he processed 16 cases for Chinese
to immigrate to the Caribbean islands of St. Kitts and Nevis,
in the past he only did 1-2 such cases in a month.

Researcher on Chinese Affairs He Yanquan pointed out
another issue.
Many mainland students are taking the Advanced
Placement Exam (AP Exam).

He Yanquan: “Why then? It is to prepare to study in the U.S.
So many mainland students are participating in the U.S high-school graduation test,
what’s their goal, they want to study here,
then they will try to stay in the U.S given the opportunity.”

He Yanquan expressed that he knows many friends who are
worried about the political environment in mainland China and want to immigrate out of the country.
